Sunday, May 3, 2020

面包布丁 Bread Pudding

白吐司- 2片
牛奶- 150 ml
白糖- 2汤匙
鸡蛋- 1个
香草精- 数滴
葡萄干- 适量
糖粉- 适量

1. 将土司撕成小片,放入可焗烤的盘子后,撒上葡萄干。
2. 将牛奶放入小锅中,以小火加至温热后,加入白糖,搅拌至白糖溶化。
3. 将预先打散了的鸡蛋倒入锅中,加数滴香草精,搅拌均匀。
4. 把牛奶倒入盘子,让面包浸泡约10分钟。
5. 送入已预热200C的烤箱,烤约30分钟或至面包表面呈金黄色及布丁稍微定型。
6. 将面包布丁取出,撒上糖粉即可。

White bread- 2 slices
Milk- 150 ml
Sugar- 2 Tbsp
Egg- 1 nos
Vanilla essence- A few drops
Raisins- As preferred
Icing sugar- As preferred

1. Tear the bread slices into smaller pieces, arrange them in an oven-friendly container, sprinkle some raisins on top.
2. Warm the milk over low heat, add in sugar and stir until the sugar is fully dissolved.
3. Pour the beaten egg into the milk, add a few drops of vanilla essence and stir well.
4. Pour the mixture into the container, let it soak in the mixture for approx. 10 min.
5. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200C for approx. 30min or until the edges of the bread have browned and custard is set but still slightly wobbly.
6. Remove the bread pudding from the oven, sprinkle some icing sugar on top. Ready to serve.

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