虽然我是100%纯潮州人,但是我不喜欢吃那种粒粒分明的潮州粥。反之,我喜欢吃煮到很绵很烂的广东粥,因为不用怎么咀嚼就可以吞进肚子了。不只那样,不知道为什么,总觉得绵绵的粥比较有味道。但我爹却相反。他喜欢吃粒粒分明的潮州粥,绵烂的粥对他来说就是所谓的‘ baby粥’,只有baby才需要吃那么绵的粥。所以,家里煮的粥,永远都是粒粒分明的粥。。如果哪一天是绵烂的粥,那肯定是我娘把粥给煮过头了!呵呵。。
米 1/2杯
鸡腿 1个
香菇 2朵
姜丝 2tbsp
麻油 适量
生抽 适量
胡椒粉 适量
- 将米洗净,然后注入水,放入冰箱结冰处隔夜让其结冰。
- 鸡腿去骨,切丝;香菇用温水泡发;切丝;姜去皮;切丝。
- 煮一锅水至沸腾,放入结冰的米,煮约15分钟。
- 加入香菇丝和姜丝,边煮边搅拌,以免黏底。
- 煮至米开始变绵密状,加入鸡丝,继续煮约3分钟。
- 加入适量的麻油,生抽和胡椒粉调味即可。
Ingredients(Single serving):
Rice 1/2cup
Chicken drumstick 1个
Shitake mushroom 2nos
Shredded ginger 2tbsp
Sesame oil Add to taste
Soy sauce Add to taste
Pepper Add to taste
- Rinse the rice, put some water just enough to cover the rice and freeze it overnight.
- De-bone the chicken drumstick, cut it into shreds; soak the shitake mushroom in warm water until it is softened, cut it into shreds; remove the skin of ginger and cut it into shreds.
- Boil a pot of water, put the frozen rice into the water and cook for approximately 15 minutes.
- Add in the shredded mushroom and ginger, stir it.
- Cook until the rice begins to turn into soft porridge, add in the shredded chicken, continue to cook for approximately 3 minutes.
- Add in some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper to taste. Ready to serve.
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结冰了的米![]() |
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