Monday, February 29, 2016

韩式辣白菜 Napa Cabbage Kimchi

大白菜---1 棵
盐---2/3 杯
红萝卜---2 根
白萝卜---1 根
韭菜---6 束
青葱---3 束

糯米粉---50 g
---440 ml
---30 g

洋葱---2 颗
蒜头---2 颗
---4 寸
辣椒粉--- 60 g
鱼露---6 汤匙 
料酒---4 汤匙
蜜糖---2 汤匙

  1. 在大白菜底部切一刀后,扒开成两份。
  2. 切除白菜头后,将白菜切段,长约两寸。
  3. 将切好的白菜用水洗净。
  4. 撒入盐,用手抓均匀。
  5. 每半小时捞均匀。
  6. 在等待的同时,准备粥底。取一个锅,放入水和糯米粉,中火煮至面糊变浓稠透明,加入糖继续搅拌至糖溶化。
  7. 熄火,放一旁待凉备用。
  8. 将青葱和韭菜切段;红萝卜和白萝卜去皮,刨丝。放一旁备用。
  9. 大葱,蒜头和姜去皮后,切小块,放入搅拌器。
  10. 于搅拌器内加入辣椒粉,鱼露,料酒和蜜糖,打成糊状。
  11. 加入冷却了的粥底,继续搅拌成幼滑的面糊。
  12. 将面糊倒入萝卜葱丝中混合均匀。
  13. 大约两个小时后,将大白菜用水冲洗几遍至喜欢的咸度(可试吃)后,挤出水份,沥干。
  14. 把混合好的酱料加入已沥干的大白菜,用手拌均匀,确保每一片白菜都涂上酱料。
  15. 将混合好的白菜放入一个干净的盒子,盖上盖子,放置于室温8个小时或一天,直到泡菜变酸,即可收进冰箱冷藏。
Napa cabbage---1 nos
Salt---2/3 cup
Carrot---2 nos
Radish---1 nos
Leek---6 stalks
Green onion---3 stalks

Glutinous flour---50 g
Water---440 ml
Sugar---30 g

Onion---2 nos
Garlic---2 nos
Ginger---4 inches
Chilli powder---60 g
Fish sauce---6 tbsps
Rice wine---4 tbsps
Honey---2 tbsps

  1. Make a cut at the bottom of the napa cabbage, then, tear the cabbage into two.
  2. Cut the base of the cabbage, then cut it into sections with about 2 inches in length.
  3. Rinse the cut cabbage.
  4. Spread the salt over the cabbage and mix thoroughly.
  5. Stir well at every half an hour.
  6. While waiting, let's prepare the porridge. Pour water into a pot and add in the glutinous flour. Heat over medium heat til it becomes translucent. Then, add in sugar and mix til the sugar has melted.
  7. Off the heat and set aside.
  8. Cut the green onion and leek into sections; peel the skin off the carrot and radish, shred them. Set aside.
  9. Remove the skin of onion, garlic and ginger, cut them into small pieces. Put them into a blender.
  10. Add chili powder, fish sauce, rice wine and honey into the blender and blend til they become puree.
  11. Add in the cooled porridge, continue to blend til smooth.
  12. Pour the puree into the carrot and green onion mixture, mix well.
  13. After approx. 2 hours, rinse the napa cabbage til it reaches your desired degree of saltiness (can taste it). Press the water out from the cabbage and drain.
  14. Pour the puree mixture over the drained cabbage, mix thoroughly with hand to make sure that every pieces of cabbage is applied with the paste.
  15. Put the cabbage into a clean container, close the lid and leave it under room temperature for 8 hours or a day, til the cabbage has turned sour. Then, keep it in the fridge.
The longer the kimchi is left under room temperature, the more sour it will be.
For the purpose of making kimchi soup, the more sour the kimchi, the better the soup will taste. However, if the kimchi were to be served as a side dish, it should be kept in the fridge sooner.

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