Saturday, July 25, 2020

瑞士鸡翼 Swiss Chicken Wings

鸡翼- 10 只

冰糖- 200g
酱青- 60g
黑酱油- 60g
花雕酒- 2 Tbsp
清水- 400ml
青葱- 1 支
姜片- 6 片
橙皮- 1 片 (拇指大小)
八角- 1 个
桂皮- 1 个

1. 将鸡翼汆水后沥干,泡在冰水待用。
2. 把其余的材料倒入锅中,以大火煮至沸腾。
3. 加入鸡翼,盖上盖子,以中小火煮约20分钟。偶尔翻动确保均匀上色。
4. 熄火,让鸡翼焖约1小时即可。

Chicken wings- 10pcs
Iced water

Rock sugar- 200g
Light soy sauce- 60g
Dark soy sauce- 60g
Huadiao wine- 2 Tbsp
Water- 400ml
Spring onion- 1 nos
Ginger- 6 slices
Dried orange peel- 1pc (thumb-size)
Star anise- 1pc
Cinnamon- 1pc

1. Blanch chicken wings for 1 minute, drain off the water and soak the wings in iced water.
2. Pour the rest of the ingredients in a pot and bring to boil over high heat.
3. Add in the chicken wings and continue to cook over medium low heat for 20 minutes with lid on. Stir occasionally.
4. Turn off the heat and let the wings steep for at least an hour.

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