我说他舌头越来越灵,越来越像食家了。 😂😂😂
我说他舌头越来越灵,越来越像食家了。 😂😂😂
分量: 约6个中式饭碗
A. 鸡肉香菇腌料
鸡胸肉- 12片
香菇- 6朵 (泡发去蒂)
腊肠- 1条 (切片)
蚝油- 1 汤匙
生抽- 1 汤匙
花雕酒- 1 汤匙
姜茸- 1 汤匙
麻油- 1/2 茶匙
黑酱油 - 1 茶匙
玉米粉- 1 汤匙
胡椒粉- 1/4 茶匙
糖- 1 茶匙
B. 糯米调味料
糯米- 500g
蒜茸- 1 汤匙
小红葱- 3粒 (切碎)
蚝油- 2 汤匙
麻油- 1 茶匙
黑酱油- 1 汤匙
胡椒粉- 1/4 茶匙
生抽- 1 汤匙
糖- 1 茶匙
C. 酱汁(淋在糯米上)
蒜茸- 1 汤匙
小红葱- 2粒 (切碎)
油- 适量
香菇水- 225 ml
蚝油- 2 汤匙
生抽- 1 汤匙
麻油- 1/2 茶匙
胡椒粉- 1/2 茶匙
糖- 1 汤匙
1. 将鸡肉块和香菇用A料腌隔夜。
2. 热油,爆香B料里的蒜茸和小红葱后,加入糯米和其余的B料拌炒均匀,取出备用。
3. 热油,爆香C料里的蒜蓉和小红葱后,加入其余的C料,小火煮至糖溶化后,倒出备用。
4. 于碗底放上腌好的鸡肉块,香菇和腊肠片后,加入炒好的糯米,压紧。
5. 待蒸笼里的水沸腾后,将碗排在蒸笼上,并在每一碗糯米淋上C酱汁(稍微盖过糯米),以大火蒸约45分钟即可。
Servings: Approx. 6 Chinese rice bowls
A. Marinades for chicken and mushroom
Chicken breast- 12 slices
Shiitake mushrooms- 6 nos (Hydrated and de-stemmed)
Chinese sausage- 1 nos (Sliced)
Oyster sauce- 1 Tbsp
Light soy sauce- 1 Tbsp
Huadiao cooking wine- 1 Tbsp
Minced ginger- 1 Tbsp
Sesame oil- 1/2 Tsp
Dark soy sauce - 1 Tsp
Corn starch- 1 Tbsp
White pepper powder- 1/4 Tsp
Sugar- 1 Tsp
B. Seasoning for glutinous rice
Glutinous rice- 500g
Minced garlic- 1 Tbsp
Shallot- 3 nos (Chopped)
Oyster sauce- 2 Tbsp
Sesame oil- 1 Tsp
Dark soy sauce- 1 Tbsp
White pepper powder- 1/4 Tsp
Light soy sauce- 1 Tbsp
Sugar- 1 Tsp
Minced garlic- 1 Tbsp
Shallot- 2 nos (Chopped)
Oil- Decent amount
Mushroom water- 225 ml
Oyster sauce- 2 Tbsp
Light soy sauce- 1 Tbsp
Sesame oil- 1/2 Tsp
White pepper powder- 1/2 Tsp
Sugar- 1 Tbsp
1. Marinate chicken breast and mushrooms with ingredients A overnight.
2. Heat up some oil, saute the minced garlic and shallots in ingredients B. Then, add in the glutinous rice and the rest of the ingredients B. Stir well, dish out and set aside.
3. Heat up some oil, saute the minced garlic and shallots in ingredients C. Then, add in the rest of the ingredients in ingredients C, simmer over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the seasoned juice out and set aside.
4. Place the marinated chicken slices, mushrooms and Chinese sausage at the bottom of a bowl. Top with glutinous rice and compress it gently to make it as compact and firm as possible.
5. Bring the water in a steamer to boil. Arrange the bowls on the steamer, pour the gravy on each bowl (the level of the gravy is slightly above the glutinous rice). Steam over high heat for approx. 45 min.
If you prefer a softer texture, you may pour some more gravy on the glutinous rice during the last 15 min of steaming.

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