粘米粉- 220 g
木薯粉- 20 g
清水- 450 ml
沸水- 380 ml
食油- 2 汤匙
盐- 1 茶匙
1. 将所有材料(除了沸水和食油)倒入锅中搅拌均匀。
2. 以小火加热,不断地搅拌至混合物开始变浓稠。
3. 离火,加入滚烫的沸水和食油,继续搅拌至顺滑,没有明显的颗粒。
4. 将混合物倒入涂了一层油的大盘子中,以大火蒸约1小时或至熟透。
5. 将蒸好的粿放室温至少4小时,待完全凉了,才脱模用小刀将其切成小块状。
1. 我使用直径26 cm的碟子。
2. 将筷子插入中心,如果无米浆沾粘在筷子上,即是蒸好了。
3. 可随自己喜欢的软硬度调整水的分量。
粿角- 以上的分量
咸菜脯碎- 4 汤匙
蒜蓉- 4 汤匙
鸡蛋- 3 颗
豆芽- 200 g
韭菜- 3 棵
食油- 4 汤匙
酱油- 3 汤匙
黑酱油- 1 汤匙
白胡椒粉- 1/2 茶匙
叁巴辣椒酱- 1 汤匙
1. 将咸菜脯洗净泡水约10分钟后,沥干水备用。
2. 把酱油,黑酱油和白胡椒粉于一碗中预先混合均匀。
3. 热油下锅,爆香菜脯和蒜蓉。
4. 倒入粿角翻炒片刻。
5. 倒入调味料,继续翻炒至上色。
6. 于锅中敲入鸡蛋,继续翻炒至香。
7. 加入韭菜和豆芽,继续翻炒片刻。
8. 加入叁巴辣椒酱翻炒均匀即可。
Ingredients for kuey kak (4 servings):
Rice flour- 220 g
Tapioca starch- 20 g
Water- 450 ml
Boiling water- 380 ml
Cooking oil- 2 Tbsp
Salt- 1 tsp
1. Mix all ingredients (except boiling water and cooking oil) in a pot and stir well.
2. Heat the mixture over low heat and keep stirring until it thickens.
3. Turn off the flame, pour the boiling water and cooking oil into the batter and keep stirring until smooth and no visible lumps.
4. Pour the mixture into a large and shallow oiled plate and steam over high heat for approx. 1 hour or until completely cooked.
5. Leave the cooked kuey kak at room temperature for at least 4 hours or until completely cooled, then only unmould and cut into smaller pieces.
1. I was using a plate with 26 cm diameter.
2. Insert a chopstick into the center of the mixture and check. If there is no batter sticking on the chopstick, it means it is completely cooked.
3. You may adjust the amount of water to be added based on your preferred texture.
Ingredients for char kuey kak:
Kuey kak- All the above
Chopped pickled radish (salted)- 4 Tbsp
Minced garlic- 4 Tbsp
Egg- 3 nos
Bean sprouts- 200 g
Chinese leeks- 3 stems
Cooking oil- 4 Tbsp
Soy sauce- 3 Tbsp
Dark soy sauce- 1 Tbsp
White pepper powder- 1/2 tsp
Sambal belacan- 1 Tbsp
1. Rinse the pickled radish and soak in water for approx. 10 min, drain off the water and set aside.
2. Mix the soy sauce, dark soy sauce and white pepper powder in a bowl. Set aside.
3. Heat a wok with some oil, saute the pickled radish and chopped garlic.
4. Pour in the kuey kak and stir-fry for a while.
5. Pour in the seasoning and continue stir-frying until the kuey kak is evenly colored.
6. Crack the eggs in the wok and keep stir-frying.
7. Add in the leeks and bean sprouts and continue sitr-frying until fragrant.
8. Add in sambal belacan and stir until evenly mixed. Ready to serve.

粘米粉- 220 g
木薯粉- 20 g
清水- 450 ml
沸水- 380 ml
食油- 2 汤匙
盐- 1 茶匙
1. 将所有材料(除了沸水和食油)倒入锅中搅拌均匀。
2. 以小火加热,不断地搅拌至混合物开始变浓稠。
3. 离火,加入滚烫的沸水和食油,继续搅拌至顺滑,没有明显的颗粒。
4. 将混合物倒入涂了一层油的大盘子中,以大火蒸约1小时或至熟透。
5. 将蒸好的粿放室温至少4小时,待完全凉了,才脱模用小刀将其切成小块状。
1. 我使用直径26 cm的碟子。
2. 将筷子插入中心,如果无米浆沾粘在筷子上,即是蒸好了。
3. 可随自己喜欢的软硬度调整水的分量。
粿角- 以上的分量
咸菜脯碎- 4 汤匙
蒜蓉- 4 汤匙
鸡蛋- 3 颗
豆芽- 200 g
韭菜- 3 棵
食油- 4 汤匙
酱油- 3 汤匙
黑酱油- 1 汤匙
白胡椒粉- 1/2 茶匙
叁巴辣椒酱- 1 汤匙
1. 将咸菜脯洗净泡水约10分钟后,沥干水备用。
2. 把酱油,黑酱油和白胡椒粉于一碗中预先混合均匀。
3. 热油下锅,爆香菜脯和蒜蓉。
4. 倒入粿角翻炒片刻。
5. 倒入调味料,继续翻炒至上色。
6. 于锅中敲入鸡蛋,继续翻炒至香。
7. 加入韭菜和豆芽,继续翻炒片刻。
8. 加入叁巴辣椒酱翻炒均匀即可。
Ingredients for kuey kak (4 servings):
Rice flour- 220 g
Tapioca starch- 20 g
Water- 450 ml
Boiling water- 380 ml
Cooking oil- 2 Tbsp
Salt- 1 tsp
1. Mix all ingredients (except boiling water and cooking oil) in a pot and stir well.
2. Heat the mixture over low heat and keep stirring until it thickens.
3. Turn off the flame, pour the boiling water and cooking oil into the batter and keep stirring until smooth and no visible lumps.
4. Pour the mixture into a large and shallow oiled plate and steam over high heat for approx. 1 hour or until completely cooked.
5. Leave the cooked kuey kak at room temperature for at least 4 hours or until completely cooled, then only unmould and cut into smaller pieces.
1. I was using a plate with 26 cm diameter.
2. Insert a chopstick into the center of the mixture and check. If there is no batter sticking on the chopstick, it means it is completely cooked.
3. You may adjust the amount of water to be added based on your preferred texture.
Ingredients for char kuey kak:
Kuey kak- All the above
Chopped pickled radish (salted)- 4 Tbsp
Minced garlic- 4 Tbsp
Egg- 3 nos
Bean sprouts- 200 g
Chinese leeks- 3 stems
Cooking oil- 4 Tbsp
Soy sauce- 3 Tbsp
Dark soy sauce- 1 Tbsp
White pepper powder- 1/2 tsp
Sambal belacan- 1 Tbsp
1. Rinse the pickled radish and soak in water for approx. 10 min, drain off the water and set aside.
2. Mix the soy sauce, dark soy sauce and white pepper powder in a bowl. Set aside.
3. Heat a wok with some oil, saute the pickled radish and chopped garlic.
4. Pour in the kuey kak and stir-fry for a while.
5. Pour in the seasoning and continue stir-frying until the kuey kak is evenly colored.
6. Crack the eggs in the wok and keep stir-frying.
7. Add in the leeks and bean sprouts and continue sitr-frying until fragrant.
8. Add in sambal belacan and stir until evenly mixed. Ready to serve.

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